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Project Details

The past few years in Vermont, and nationally, young people have been reporting feeling hopeless, sad and/or suicidal more than ever. We find young people's stories and experiences to be compelling and powerful.  

We are making short video modules with real Vermont kids and young adults sharing their stories followed by psychological information, education and resources.  A Vermont Story will populate common media networks with real narratives accompanied by mental health information and resources.  Our modules can be available to mental health and education professions and individuals freely; more to come!


A group of professionals got together with Champlain College Emergent Media Center to discuss how to use real voices from young Vermonters to inspire.  


We strive to amplify the stories of Vermont youth to illustrate what is happening in current mental health AND provide a lifeline for other youth looking for help. 

Share Stories

Inspirational real stories of young people and their struggles and revelations.


We are elevating the voices of young people and using their input to turn the tide.


 We offer connections to  resources for youth mental health to help young people.

Parents and Youth letters

General Consent And Release

I, on behalf of the child named below and any other parent/guardian or legal representative thereof, hereby authorize A Vermont Story Inc. (“AVS”) and its agents, employees, contractors, and volunteers, to record, edit, and publish, online or in other formats, images and video (collectively, “Images”) taken of or that may include,

for whom I am parent, legal guardian, or an individual authorized to provide this consent. I understand that the Images may be used in AVS’s print, online, and other materials and publications. I acknowledge that my consent is voluntary and expect no compensation of any type associated with the taking or publication of the Images, and that publication of the Images confers no rights of ownership or royalties whatsoever, or rights to review the same prior to publication or require any change of the final product. I acknowledge and agree that the Images (and the recording of the same) are for public dissemination and that no confidentiality or other similar obligation shall attach to the Images, notwithstanding that officers and agents of AVS may otherwise interact with the above-named child in other settings where confidentiality would apply. I hereby release and hold harmless AVS from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality with the Images. I further release AVS, its members, employees, and any third parties involved in the creation or publication of any materials that include the Images, from any liability from any claims by me, the child named above, or any third party in connection with my consent herein.

Authorized by,


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Help Bring Hope to Young Minds

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